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Lehel Lészai

A Message from the former Chair of Spiritual Directors in Europe, Lehel Lészai

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I greet you on our new website! How wonderful that you are here, ready to explore all what was prepared for you, and more than that. This interactive webpage is yours as well, where you can find your favourite parts, links, and I invite you to fill in with your ideas, joys (happiness), struggles, questions, meditations and prayer requests.

This website is like a bridge, which once crossed offers you the possibility to get and remain in touch with all of us. In the beginning it might seem as a fierce jungle, but soon you will discover that you are familiar with the majority of the features. It is like arriving to a new, unknown city, but if you spend a few days there, soon it will feel more familiar. Our IT skills may be limited, but during this last period we learned that internet is not our enemy, but could help us even when we are isolated, sad, powerless and unable to be together physically.

I invite you to this wonderful journey of discovering, keeping in touch and keeping each other informed about what is going on in our lives and communities.

About us

We are an international association of Spiritual Directors from a variety of Christian traditions with full membership open to all trained Directors/ Accompaniers in the continent of Europe.

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